To create and run a business successfully, an entrepreneur needs to embrace a certain amount of risk and learn to rebound from failure. The Kansas City Fed- Branch of Oklahoma City believes diversity strengthens our organization and enriches our community. Student Board programs reach underserved populations in the education realm, especially majority-minority high schools, inner city high schools and all girls’ high schools. Strive to have the composition of our Student Boards of Directors reflect the diverse demographic makeup of those schools and communities. Personal finance education is an important part of student life, each session will introduce the student board member to a different topic: the missions of the Federal Reserve, personal finance, college and career readiness, regional economy and professional and personal development. The Student Board of Directors program will prepare the member to become knowledgeable citizens by increasing your understanding of economic, financial and occupational topics through collaboration with peers and business leaders. Individuals of all ages who understand how the economy functions and know what tools are available make better financial decisions.
Federal Reserve Bank – Kansas City Oklahoma Branch – Student Board of Directors